RYA Support Group Meeting
From May 15, 2016 3:45 pm until May 15, 2016 6:00 pm Save to calendar
At Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville - Room 50
Posted by Timothy Elliott
Categories: Support Group
RYA support group meetings are safe and affirming spaces for all youth to come connect, ask questions, and explore with others. Every meeting begins with reviewing the youth-created "Polychromatic Constitution" - a list of expectations to keep the space safe. Each youth is allowed time during the meeting to introduce themselves, identify gender pronouns of choice, and share any thoughts, questions, or ideas they may want. While time is there for everyone to talk, no one is forced. At RYA we want to make everyone feel welcomed and safe - so if you are more comfortable listening, that is what we encourage you do to. Snacks are always provided.